Come and Know the Beauty of Being Known
Child, come and be known for I am your mother who knows you in all parts. I am your mother who loves you with no reservations or judgement or boundaries.
Here within the River of the I Am you are known for nothing is hidden and all is clear when seen from the view of the River. The many of my children fear this for they attempt to hide themselves with no understanding of the joy and truth that awaits them in being naked of heart and soul.
I remind you of the need to be of compassion and patience for to open my children, they must see love and taste love, not judgment or punishment.
Janine, I remind you of the simplicity of our walk this new day for as you are seen and taste my love so too we walk that my children are seen and taste love. You are known here and you attest to the love that awaits all of my children. Come and dance. Come and know the beauty of being known.