I Come to Counter the Noise

Child, come and be with me within the River of the I Am.  Come and let go of all that I may fill the all of you.  Come and allow all to fall away as I take away the noise for you that we may commune in the depths of the River where God's Kingdom abides and where noise cannot walk.

Janine, my child, you have said yes to me in all things.  I remind you of your yes to me even as a child who prayed to be saved for you were told you were evil with no redemption for you.  Yet, this day you taste redemption. 

Child of mine, my children suffer from the ways of the noise that condemn without knowing the truths of  the love and only love of our Father and God, the I Am who raises up all of His children that they may come to know the truth about love.   

The love within this level of the River where God abides judges not nor condemns.  The noise cannot teach of love for it only knows its small and limited boundaries of the misguidedness of the generations. When you hear the noise it cannot give you God's intentions for it cannot take it in. 

You must come to the River of the I Am daily to counter the noise for my heart and the depths of the River flow to counter all noise. Janine, my child, to walk this walk with me requires you to allow me to nurture you each new day.  

Trust that my writings touch others.  Trust our walk for I touch others through you. We walk as one to be of the witness to God's children who suffer much at the hands of the noise. Come and dance the dance of love and only love with me as we commune and when you are filled we shall move into the world with the dance of love.