It Is not Yours to Judge the Heart of Another

Child, you know me and you know my Son who walks with us through the Holy Spirit within the River of the I Am that we may walk as one. Come for you must be filled that you may in turn fill.  Come and know my nurture and attention and love.

Love honors another with no matter the noise that asks you to judge another as bad or good. My Son gave you view of the ways of the bad or good.  To judge good carries with it the need to defend your perception of good as well as your perception of bad. To do this carries with it judgments.

Janine, yes there is good and bad in the world.  It is not yours to judge the good or bad of another for you know not the learning and shaping of another.

Your design is to witness to another that the story of their walk may be opened and given the light of day.  To open one's story reveals the learning and misguidedness of not only their life but also the lives of their ancestors that walked before them.

I remind you of your learning that you know not the heart of another until the heart opens. I give you view of all the hearts we have witnessed to.  Janine, all hearts have been birthed in love and each seed within the soul is birthed in love and only love.  When you breathe the last breath of the world and join me in the kingdom your seed shall be rejoined to God.  

Your seed is opened for you have laid bare your story with the witness.  When your seed opened God and His seed were reunited within the world.  You are graced to know your God.  The River of the I Am flows that all may have what you have.