Our Prayers Combine to Power the River of the I Am

 Child, this day is anew and this day is of you and me.  Come and be still and take in my love and nurture.  This day shines on you. This day shall show you love and only love.  Come and allow the noise to be quieted for we commune here within this Tabernacle where the noise is quieted that you may hear the song of my heart.

Come and as you are filled know this filling prepares you for the walk into the world.  As we go deeper and deeper into the depths of the River know that you are being prepared to keep the noise quieted all the more and more for your yesterdays have prepared you for this new day.

Your prayers are of my heart for you have let go to this depth where you know I pray for you and all of yours. Janine, these prayers are for you but not just for you for our prayers combine to give to God what is God's.  God knows all and knows our prayers of love for others.  

We pray for those you know and those you know not for you give yourself over to me where our prayers combine for all of my children. To know deep within your soul that our prayers are combined is to know you have given yourself over to the River of the I Am where all prayers are combined.  

This, my child, is the way of the River of the I Am where all prayers are combined to power the River to do God's work. God's will is being accomplished for the River gathers energy and flows towards the New Earth where war and angst and rage shall give way to love and only love.