The Kingdom of God is Within You

Child, come and do not pay any attention to the noise that asks you to walk away from this Tabernacle.  Do not pay any mind to the noise that asks you to deny this Tabernacle. Come and be filled that you may keep the noise away from you. Come and be filled that we may walk into the world to fill.

This new day shall shine upon you as it does on all of my children.  You must know that the day shines upon you with the grace of my heart and the grace of the River of the I Am.

The many of my children do now know of the grace that awaits them for they know not the ways of my heart nor the ways of the River of the I Am. Take not for granted this grace and do not waste time concerned about the noise for I come to protect you from the insatiable appetite of the noise that works to consume you.

The noise cannot stop itself for by its very nature it seeks to deter you from the path of truth and Eternity.  The noise is of the serpent that attempts to have you believe you can be above God. The noise takes hold of my children with the temptings of the addictions, the short lived joy of self righteousness and the want to be above God.

The noise carries the Adam and Eve mind that works to keep my children blind to the truths of the Kingdom within. The Kingdom of God is held within for there in the deepest parts of each child is the seed of the soul that holds the Kingdom.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.