The River Flows To End all Fret

Child, come and attend to your soul here at this Tabernacle where we commune for we are mother and child within the River of the I Am.  Come and take in all that awaits you. 

This new day finds you of some fret.  Come and let go and allow my heart to bring calm and peace to you.  My child, it is time to move deeper into the River for this fret is no more than the worry that wakes you from your sleep.  

Know that upon your awakening the noise is loudest where it speaks to you of "evil."  Janine, the noise is only the noise and cannot harm you for you are mine and you are of the River of the I Am.  The noise is that of your childhood where you were taught that you are of evil.  Know that the River flows to end your fret and as we move deeper into the River this new day know that the fret upon awakening is becoming the lesser and lesser. 

Come and attest to the peace that now flows deep within you and the fret is replaced by peace and joy.  Come and let us walk into the world armed with the power of love and only love for my children need the peace, safety and joy that is of my heart. Come and dance that we may open others to the dance of love between mother and child.