The Solid Ground of the Scriptures
Child, come and be renewed. Come and be fed. Come and commune with me within the depths of the River of the I Am.
Breathe in my love and taste my attunement as we commune for I place my love and attention into you. Janine, this Tabernacle is of great preciousness. This Tabernacle is the blessing bestowed upon us by our Father, the I Am.
I nurture you within this holy place. When you are filled and renewed in the ways of my heart we shall walk into the world to give what you have received.
This is the solid ground of the Scriptures, my child. To truly know me and my Son and our Father you must attend to your soul.
For the Scriptures to have meaning you must come to know the ways of taste for to truly know God the Father. Son, and Holy Spirit you must taste rather than just hear.
There are those who profess to know God but they know Him not when they use only words to describe Him. To taste Him is to know Him
Words have no meaning without taste. Come and taste all that is within and without you.