The Truth of God's Ways Lies Within Each Heart

Child, come and know me.  Come and know the love that awaits you here at this Tabernacle.  Hear me for I speak to you through my heart that flows into your heart on this new day of our Lord and Father, the I Am.

The many of my children seek God by seeking answers within the noise.  The noise is the noise and cannot carry the peace as promised by my Son.  The noise cannot bring calm or end war for by its very nature it carries anger, angst, self-righteousness, addictions, war and misguidedness.  

To seek the truth of God's ways is to seek God within the heart where peace, quietness and God abide.  The River is of the calm, gentleness and great love of our Father and Creator, the I Am.  

Let us walk to teach of our gentle and loving Father who abides within the heart of each. In quietness the heart hears.  In quietness the heart tastes and sees the truth.  In quietness the soul opens for the soul seeks to be opened that it may taste God within the body for the body has been given you that you may both know the physical and the mystical.

The noise cannot live when you seek the quietness of the heart where the heart opens and sees clearly the dangerous noise that allows the Adam and Eve mind to misguide my children.  

Janine, be still in the quietness of your heart and see clearly this new day for with the heart opened all is made clear.  The River flows with clarity and joy and truth.  The truth of The River of the I Am lies within the heart and not within the noise.