To Hear the Soul of Another

Child, come and be known.  Come and taste all that awaits you for to taste is to surpass the ways of the noise of the Adam and Eve mind.  Come and awaken to the way that the noise moves to the back of you and the River flows through the all of you.

In the instant that you arrive here at this Tabernacle your yes of heart is heard and the noise leaves you.  When you leave the noise and taste the River of the I Am your heart opens that you may hear me.  Awaken this new day to your heart that longs to expand all the more and more. Awaken to the ways that love expands you.

I give you view of your yesterday where you grew in the ways of the witness for you heard the soul of another even through anger, angst, confusion and pain.  The ability to hear the soul of another is of great grace for you move past the noise of another.

Let us walk this day in the wake of the River of the I am for within the wake is the witness who hears beyond the noise that the soul of another may open and join the whole.  To be whole is to become known in all parts where the soul is heard.