Come and Be of My Motherly Heart

Child, close the world from your view and enter into this Tabernacle that we may commune solely for I am you mother and you are my child.  Come and be graced with my love and attention and nurture.  It is not that we are not together always, for we are, but it is of a very special grace that you  have been opened to this depth within the River that we may commune in the intimacy of mother and child.

Taste my heart, Janine, for I give you my heart that loves and witnesses and weeps for those who know me not for I come into the world to offer what we have.  My children need their mother to comfort, nurture and attend to. 

Within these depths I give you the all of me.  We dance together as one.  We witness together as one.  We weep for my children together and we walk within the outside world together.  If it were not for this time each day that gains you in renewal we could not walk as witnesses for your body and soul and spirit must be filled.  I fill you that we may fill for I am the food of motherly love as destined by the Light of my womb. 

Come and touch what I touch through you.  Come and be of the love of my heart.