Love Must Rise and Counter Hate
Child, come and be known. Come and take in my love. Come and witness to the entries into the Book of Life. Come and when you are filled we shall walk into the world as witnesses to God's grace of life.
Love is written into the Book of life for all shall be seen through the eyes of the love of our Father, our Creator, the I Am. The Book of life holds dear all of God's creatures for all hold love.
Know that we walk to witness in love from the view that flows forth from the River of the I Am. Love is simple for love holds no one in bondage. Love holds no one in hate or rage or punishment. Love speaks softly and with a gentleness that gathers others rather than pushes away.
Janine, the small child, above others responds to the gentleness of love. The gentleness of love teaches gentleness. Kindness and love grows the child for rather than abandonment and punishment love builds and keeps open the soul where abandonment and punishment close the heart and soul.
No need to take the rod to a child for a child grows with the sword of love that uses the stories of Jesus to teach. Better to sit with the child and teach of love rather than punishment and abandonment.
Ponder the words of Jesus and let us walk in the way of stories to teach. Love must rise and counter anger towards self and others, punishment, judgment and hate. Let those with ears to hear, hear