The Body Hears What the Mind Cannot

Child, let go and breathe in the love of my heart as I take you into the River of the I Am where we commune. Janine, I call to you by name for you are my child in whom I love beyond measure. This Tabernacle is of the grace of our Father, the I Am.

This day is anew with great possibilities for we walk in the knowing that our Father graces us as mother and child and as such we walk within the view of the River of the I Am where God's miracles flow forth from. Janine what we cannot do alone we do together for you are my voice within the wilderness.  You write my words and you become my voice when you let go of yours. 

In the quietness of this moment you hear me. In the quietness of this moment you taste me for in this silence you hear and write my words.  The world cannot know the silence of this moment for it is of you and me within the River where words are tasted that they may be heard. The body hears what the mind cannot. Let those with ears to hear, hear.