The Great Depths of the River of the I Am

Child, trust is built when you come to me each day and you are greeted by my love and attention.  Trust builds upon your yes each day.  Come and be filled and know this Tabernacle is here for you forever.

Love has no boundaries but it has great depth for each day you move deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where your ability to love expands.  How great is our Father, the I Am, who grows you in each new day.  Little matter is given to the boundaries of the outside world when you flow within these depths for within these depths is the love that expands forever.  How could you know of these depths before you arrived here? How could you know of the intimacy of God before you arrived here? 

Janine, you needed to pass through the depth of evil to truly know the love of God for even in the Kingdom choice is always the gift of love. God so loves that He opens all choices to each that each may truly give the yes to God.  Love at this depth cannot be understood on the surface for this depth has little to do with the surface which is the way of the outside world.  Love at this depth holds no one hostage. 

Come and walk with me in this new day in the knowing that your God has expanded you in the knowing of the ways of His love that shall go deeper and deeper even into Eternity.  The more and more of intimacy awaits you.  Come and witness with me.  Come and take in all that is around you that you may witness to God's children.