The Hypocrite of the Scriptures

Child, come and be taken into my heart where I lift you that you may enter my heart that flows within the River of the I Am.  Come and rest.  Come and be of peace.  Come and be nurtured and renewed this new day.

The lesson this new day is that of the scriptures that speak of the hypocrite.  The hypocrite boasts and places himself above all  others.  The hypocrite calls out another's sins while denying his own. The hypocrite sees not others as equal, but rather, places himself above others.

The hypocrite is chained to his misguidedness for he cannot rise above the noise that calls out to him to aim to be above God. The hypocrite's world is small and his choices are narrow in view like the small child who cannot see above himself. 

The hypocrite is of the misguidedness of the Adam and Eve mind that works to be above God rather than the humble love of God.  The hypocrite of the Gospels cannot open his heart for his heart is too filled with himself.

Let us walk in the knowing that my Son died for all for all carry parts of the hypocrite.  The hypocrite of the Gospels must come to God on his knees that his heart may open to the truth.  The hypocrite is the Adam and Eve mind, my child. Ponder my words this day for the hypocrite binds my children to the misguidedness that cannot enter the Kingdom.