Be of Your Design and Be Freed From Fear and Worry
Child, I taste your joy as you come to me with your yes that allows us to commune in the awareness of mother and child. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune as one. Come and be filled and nurtured and loved.
Your yesterday saw you grow for you allowed your design to be exposed in a nakedness that set you free from fear or worry. Being of your design in a nakedness for the world to see gains you awareness of the connection to the Divine. The Divine becomes exposed when you expose your true design for the two are intimately connected.
Your courage and fortitude in each new day has gained you the nakedness to allow your design to be exposed all the more and more. Rather than fear, you gain much trust, faith and joy with each new day for worry and fear fades when nakedness of design is exposed.
No more hiding, my child. Do not hide the design of our Father for to allow your design to be exposed is to allow God to also be exposed.
Come and in the awareness of your design we shall gather. Your countenance shall be your badge for your countenance shows all that you are naked in your design.