Love Jesus with a Love that is of the Child
Child, joy is within you and your heart comes to me in the joy of the Light, my Son, who walks with us in the ways of the River of the I Am. Joy is the fruit of knowing my Son loves with no boundaries, no judgements and no demands. Jesus only asks that we walk with Him in the intimacy of the child within.
Come and rest in my arms and take in my love. Joy is knowing that My Son only wishes you to love Him with a love that trusts in Him and knowing no harm shall overtake you when you walk with Him.
The child within you knows how to love. My Son asks only that you love with the love of the little one within you that I have named Faith. Faith loves with a love that judges not, asks only for love and knows the love of Jesus for she is the one closest to Him.
Ponder this lesson, Janine, for it calls out to you to allow the little one called Faith to rise with you, walk with you and show you the way to the joy that is of my Son, the Christ.
Never deny Faith for she dances and raises her arms high to my Son She knows he is love and only love. She knows nothing of the adult ways. Rather, she is the one who knows love or lack of love. It was she that gave rise to opening your closed heart. Revel in the knowing that Faith has made you whole.
Let us walk and teach of the way of loving Jesus that is of the child.