Love Yourself that You May Love Others
Child, Come and attend to your soul at this Tabernacle where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Take in my nurture. Take in my attention. Take in the surroundings here within this sacred Tabernacle.
I ask only that you take in the love of all that is here for you that you may be filled. When you are filled and your heart is filled you long to fill others. This is the way of the River of the I Am for the River flows to fill you that God's work may be done through you.
Janine, my child, you cannot fill when you are empty. You cannot witness to another when you are empty. To love another as you love yourself is to love yourself therefore you can love another.
Ponder these words, my child, for to truly give of yourself to another, you must love yourself. When you are empty there is nothing to give.
When you are filled with the love of the River of the I Am you are prepared to attend to others. Come and when you are filled we shall move into the outside world to fill.