The Breath Within This Tabernacle is of Eternity
Child of mine, come and be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune. Come and take note that within these few breaths of letting go you allow me to breathe with you and for you. Within these depths all is slowed that you may take in the more and more. Janine, my child, this is the story of life Eternal for one breath shall be let go and the new life breath shall begin.
As you join me within this Tabernacle of the River of the I Am take in the peace and joy that flows through all parts of you on this new day. Take in the breath that is of you and me. Fear not the one breath that lets go of life to breathe in the new life of Eternity.
Janine, my child, there is no need for fear for by joining me within this Tabernacle you have learned of the letting go of the one breath that you may taste the newness of the next breath where we are in communion. You attest to the walk into Eternity by attending to your heart and soul within this Tabernacle.
The breath within this Tabernacle is of the mystical where you join me in communion of mother and child. It is in communion with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Your breath is slowed and taken into these depths that you may know you are loved without measure and that you flow with the taste of Eternity.
When all is slowed at these depths you taste Eternity. I come to take you and all of my children into the realm of the mystical breath that moves you from the noise and into the realm of Eternity for God has intended that all may taste Eternity while walking in the outside world.
When it is time we shall walk back into the world and teach my children to seek the mystical that the noise may be destroyed and where the truth of Eternity becomes known.