To Know My Son is to Know Love and only Love
Child, come and allow me to make you welcomed at this Tabernacle. Come and be filled with my nurture and attention. Come and take in the ways of my heart that communes with you for I am your mother and you are my child.
How loving is our Father and God, the I Am. Our Father has graced us with life everlasting. I shall always be your mother for I am mother to all of God's children. By my yes I am mother to the Son of Man as well as mother to all.
Janine, I remind you of the day my Son asked you to fall to the ground and accept Him. In that loving moment you became as One with Him. In that moment you were joined to Him in God's presence for you began the intimate journey with the One, the Lamb.
The lesson this day is to take in the walk with me and my Son. Janine, my child, at this depth within the River you are of intimacy with God for you have been awakened to the ways of the Trinity where your God has been made man that you may know how much you are loved. Is is of great matter that you walk this walk with God for to be touched in such deep ways and in such deep awareness is to be in intimacy with Jesus.
You can no longer doubt my Son for you have tasted Him in intimacy. You hear the soft voice of Jesus and you see His softness expressed within yourself for you are made aware that He lives. As He awakens you to the truths of His walk you are made all the more and more able to express these truths within yourself.
Jesus comes not with just words but with Himself. When humankind can be awakened to this truth the New Earth shall be established. Humankind must be awakened to the love and only love of my Son. To know my Son is to know love and only love.