We are All of the Same Cloth
Child, come and awaken to this Tabernacle. Come and awaken to me on this new day. Come and know the noise cannot enter this holy space.
Come and taste the truth of God's ways. Come and taste love and only love. My words flow through your entire being that you may taste and hear with the ear of your heart. My child, do not doubt the ways of taste for to taste is out of the realm of just words. To taste is to commune with the mystical within the River of the I Am.
This Tabernacle is of the mystical Living Waters of the I Am, who has given us all that we may know how much we are all loved. The Covenant between God and man has been sealed by my Son. This Tabernacle flows towards the New Earth where all human kind shall know Eternity.
We are of the same cloth, Janine. Our humanity makes us of the same cloth for our Father, the I Am, makes no distinctions between any of His children. I walk with you into the world to make known how much each is loved. I walk with you into the world on this new day to share this Tabernacle for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am where I am graced to be your mother.
Let us walk in love and only love where there are no distinctions of worthy or unworthy, rich or poor, of color or not of color, of greater or lesser, of man or woman or other. Let no man make distinctions for this is not the way of the Light of my womb. Love demands only love and not judgments of others.