Within this Tabernacle as in the Womb We Breathe as One
Child, slow all down that you may be prepared to enter this Tabernacle. Slow all down that I may empty you of all noise. Take in the breath of your yes and as you empty the breath I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we breathe as one.
Janine, my child, when we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am it is as in the womb where mother breathes for child and child takes in the nurture and is attended to.
Rather than take away, Janine, I come to give my nurture and renew the love that is between mother and child. I hold you in the embrace of mother and child. I breathe for you and with you. I unite with you in a love that is of God for my love judges never and nurtures always.
When you were carried in the womb of your earthly mother all your needs were taken care of even the breath. I am your heavenly mother who does the same with your yes. What you had no choice of with your worldly birth you have great choice to choose your heavenly mother.
As we commune in this sacred space know that I breathe the breath of the Light of my womb into you for we are mother and child in the sacred presence of God. What I come to do for you I come to do for all of my children. You see, my child, I live out my design as you and by God's grace we have this Tabernacle to breathe as one. The River of the I Am flows to make holy the love of mother and child. The Light of my womb is within me. I share the Light with you in this sacred space.
I take you into the world on this new day to attest to the ways of the Light of my womb. I take you into the world to attest to the ways of this Tabernacle.