Your Dream Showed You Death into Life
Child, arise and come to this Tabernacle that you may be filled. Come and allow me to carry you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the mystical ways of our Father, the I Am. Come and taste the freedom from the boundaries that bind within the outside world. Come and I shall give you the truth of your dream.
Your dream showed you the mystical ways of the River of the I Am. In your dream you rose up from the ordinary of the day. You walked over the edge of the earth and, rather than fall to your death, you gently glided down into the waters below the cliff.
There was no fret within you for your fall was guided and peaceful. As you entered the waters you realized it was safe and you would not drown. The current took you over to the other side of the river where you were placed on the edges of the rock where a gentle man raised you out of the waters.
Janine, it was Jesus who guided you into the waters and caused the current to take you safely to the other side where He raised you up. You were made to understand that His Father, our God, is the source of the safety that you experienced.
You were also made to understand that there are those of your ancestors who also work to keep you safe while in the world. Your dream has given you awareness of the way to the crossover to Eternity. No need to fear for you shall be taken into Eternity with the comfort of my Son. Your dream showed you your death into life.