Your Story is Being Written Nightly
Janine, my child, yes this is the dawn of a new day and all is renewed within you for you come to me at this Tabernacle in the openness and emptiness that allows me to fill you with the renewing Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and as you are filled I shall give you the good news and lesson for this day.
Yes, my child, the night holds much in the ways of taking your yesterday and making sense of it that all may be written into the Book of Life from the view of the River of the I Am. Your dreams may make no sense until you see them from the view of the River of the I Am.
Your lesson this day is to take in this truth. Your learning has attempted to make known the ways of your dreams. But, my child, this learning is often misguided and flawed for it does not take into matter God's grace within the dream.
What may seem deadly within your dreams from the view from the surface is life giving when viewed from within the depths of the River of the I Am. When the dream is viewed from the depths of the River of the I Am know that it is written into the Book of Life without the noise and without the egoistic Adam and Eve mind. Your dream reveals the truths of your shaping and learning without the intrusions of the noise.
Upon rising your dreams often carry fear into you for you see them from the surface and not the depths of the River of the I Am. Come to me and I will show you what is being written into the Book of Life and rather than carry fear you shall give glory to God. It is God who writes your story into the Book of Life that you may come to know how much you are loved as well as come to know the lessening and destruction of the noise within you.
Your story is being written nightly into the Book of Life. One day your story shall be read aloud and you shall come to see that what appears as deadly becomes life giving.