A View of God's Garden

 Child, come and let go of the noise by placing your hands on this Tabernacle that takes you into my heart.  Come and let us flow deep within the River of the I Am where we commune in the beauty of God's Garden.

In God's Garden there are the souls of the yes that have passed into Eternity. Take in the beauty of those who join us in the Garden of God's presence for all have said yes to His love and protection.  Janine, my child, take in the colors and scents of this Garden for your attendance to this holy place is of great grace.

Take in the Garden where you war no more.  Take in the Gardens' song of songs that praise God. Take in the prayers that rise from this place for all gather to pray that all of God's children may have what we have. Take note of how these  prayers become as the wave that rises and falls.  Take note of the sound of these prayers for they are part of the song of songs.

Take note of all of your ancestors who tend to you by these prayers. Take note of those whom you know not yet pray for you.  Take note of the joy here within God's Garden for you were lost and now have been found.  Janine, my child, what you are experiencing is the joy of coming home. 

Yes, you are coming home to the place where God's Garden abides.  Joy is with you and within you and through you. Take note of the ways of peace within you that declares war no more. The outside world wars with a misguided idea that it gains power but it cannot be in God's Garden. God's Garden gets its powers from your attendance to this Tabernacle.  Take in the power of love and only love. Take in what is within you that wars no more. 

Stay a while and take in the power of love that fills you for it shall sustain you on our walk within the world this day.