Each Story is Being Written Into the Book of Life
Child, be of my heart. Come and place yourself in the nakedness needed for me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. Your heart and soul need to be exposed that you may taste me and taste the Light within the River of the I Am. Come, my child, and know how much you are loved.
God's love has no beginning and no end for He has loved you always and will love you always.
My words may touch the few, my child, but write them anyway for the Book of Life is being written and one day it shall be read before all of the yes that God's grace and His words may be carried on into Eternity.
The Book of Life is the story of each child and their relationship to God. Those who know not their God in this life surely will know Him in the next. Each story shall show how much love has been within and without them.
Your earthly mind must be expanded to know these truths within the outside world for the noise casts a great dark shadow over the earth that blinds. I take you out into the world to attest to the ways of the River of the I Am that flows in love and only love and flows to expand and open hearts. Opened hearts shall see God.