Leave to God What is God's

 Yes, my child, it is time to attend to your soul. Place your hands on this Tabernacle and let go with the breath that removes you from the noise and gains you entrance into the River of the I Am. Come and open you heart and soul and body that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the presence of our Father, the I Am.

The lesson for this day is to take in all that is here before you.  You have heard Faith, the little one, ask to live all of life with you.  What you perceive as bad must be lived and witnessed to from the view of the River of the I Am.  What you perceive as good also must be witnessed to from the view of the River of the I Am.

You are learning, my child, to face all, each day, from the view of the River for what is of pain and war must be witnessed to as well as what is good and peaceful.

You must come to see the good and bad from the view of the River of the I Am for when you see from the River all good is not good and all bad is not bad.  You must leave to God what is God's for He is the One that sees the wounds and misguidedness from the eyes of love and only love. 

As we walk this day you shall grow in the ways of seeing as God sees for you walk with me from the view of the River of the I Am.

Come and with the childlike trust of Faith take in what God is teaching you.  Love conquers all, my child.  Watch, hear and taste all this day for you shall see God's hand on all things.