The Child Deep Within Longs To Show you God

 Child, Come. I am here and I await your attendance to this Tabernacle that we may commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. To be known and to be heard is to know you are being witnessed to. 

I hear you and I hear the little one called Faith. Hear her as she shows you the way to the truth and the Light for she is the closest to God.  She is the closest to the seed that knows its God.

You know not God by the intellect alone. You know not God by the mind alone.  You know God through the body for the body houses the heart and soul. You know God by the child deep within for the child is the one who has held the story of God's love and only love.

It is sadly that the child deep within most often must close to protect from invasion by outside forces. But, my child, this is a protection from God for the child that houses the seed of God must be protected from any and all invasions.

The child, called Faith, is deep within you and houses the seed for it is she that has been holding the truth of your story.  It is by this truth that bears witness to the story of not only the walk in the outside world but also the story of the seed within. This is the story of God's love and God's creation for He made you like no other. 

It is folly to make assumptions that you know another's story without knowing another's story. You must become of the witness to know another's story. You must listen to another's story with your heart that the heart may be heard. You must join another in their story without judgment or prejudice.  You must join another's story by hearing the little child deep within that longs to be heard and longs to show you his/her God.