The Miracle of Facing the Truth
Child, place yourself before the River of the I Am and know how much you are loved for the River flows with the love of God and His promises. He has given you your heavenly mother through the birth and death of my Son, the Lamb.
What is it that gains you such grace? What is it that fills you to overflowing within this Tabernacle? Janine, my child, I call you by name that you may know how much you are loved and held and heard. All grace is from God, the Light, the Lamb.
The lesson this day is to ponder the miracles of our walk. In your yesterday you witnessed to the miracle of play as the little one showed you the joy of play. Janine, my child, play was never yours for you were forced to hide in a place of fear where you were punished for play
Your yesterday gave you witness to the miracle of facing the truth. To see the truth of your story from afar is a miracle of grace. To see it while within it is to be blinded to the truth. The River gave you the view from afar that you may see clearly God's hand in keeping you safe from those who wished a death for you.
As you walk with me this day, stay awake to the view from the River of the I Am that shows you the view from afar where your ego child and the noise may not partake in the review of your story. Let those with ears to hear, hear for grace is the ability to see the view of your story from The River of the I Am. This view is a view from afar with a panoramic view of God's grace upon your story.