Walk in Gratitude This Day

 Child of mine, I await you here at this Tabernacle that we may commune and that I may fill you  with my love and nurture. Take in all that is here for you.  Take in the love that surrounds you for all of the yes abide here within the depths of the River of the I Am.

Take in the peace that flows here within these depths for this peace renews you and prepares you for this new day in the ways of fortitude, non judgment and love. Take in the power of the Spirit of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Take in the power that God has given you through His seed for to open His seed within you is to take in the power of love and only love. Judgments cease here within the River of the I Am.  Love expands here within the River. Your relationship with the little one called Faith expands when you move from the view of the River.

Come and be filled. Come and lay yourself before the River where you take in the great gift of the River of the I Am which is relationship with Jesus. Come and lay yourself before the River where we commune within its depths.

Come and pray the "Our Father" with me as we take in the ways of Mother and child and as we take in the beauty of the River of the I Am. God has given us much for we are mother and child forever. Walk in gratitude this day for our gifts are many.