Empty the Misguidedness to Make Room for the True Jesus

Child, let go with the breath that takes you to me at this Tabernacle. Let go with the breath that you may be emptied that I may fill you with the food of my heart.  Come and take in the joy that is of our communion.

Janine, I ask you to write that you may know and spread the ways of my heart that walks and works with you to carry the truth of my Son into the world. You have grown much in the ways of the Light of my Womb. You have grown much in the ways of intimacy with Jesus.

To know Jesus in intimacy you had to empty the noise that taught you men were to be feared. To know the true Jesus you had to empty all of the learning from the men responsible for your care. 

This is the lesson I ask you to write this day, Janine.  You cannot know the truth of Jesus and God until you empty the misguidedness of the noise. Your first introduction to Jesus was through those who were responsible for your care. 

When  your care is misguided your learn misguidedness. When those responsible for your care taught you  of war you learned war. When those who are responsible for your care wounded your body you learned that your body was unworthy of love.

When  you opened your heart and soul to the witness you met the true Jesus for you emptied the misguidedness attached to men.

We walk as witness to others placed before us that others may gain what you have gained for to empty the old and misguided is to make room for the truth of God who loves with no exceptions and with no judgments for God knows your misguidedness. .