Jesus Came That You May Have all That He Has

 Child, come and place yourself before this Tabernacle.  Come and let go with the breath that takes you to me where we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where the noise cannot abide.

Today, Janine, is a new day where your soul abides with me and with the River of the I Am. The noise has left you and we are of one here within the depths of God's holy place.

Do not take lightly the grace of this time and this space. Do not take lightly our walk each day for by God's hand we commune and by God's hand we walk into the world armed with the power of the Holy Spirit. This day is anew with the brightness of your opened soul. This day is anew with the love of my heart that fills you. 

Today is anew with the love and trust and faith in God that is more than your yesterday for your yesterday has built the earth upon which we walk today. 

Let us begin this new day by resting here within these depths for they prepare you for the new day. Rest in this time and space with me for it prepares you to receive all the more and more grace that is of our God and Father, the I Am.

Let your breath slow. Let your heart slow. Let my love enter you where I breathe with you and for you and through you that every nook and cranny of you may be filled with my love. My child, I love with a love that is beyond the earthly.  I love you with a love that can only be found within my heart for my heart carries the Lamb, the Savior, Jesus. I am your mother who loves you as I love my Son. Jesus came that you may have all that He has including His mother.