The Devil called “Rationality”

Child, The River flows that you may know me and my Son and your God for this is the way of the River of the I Am. By God’s hand we have this Tabernacle.  By God’s hand we are mother and child. By my yes the Son of Man walked the earth. By your yes we walk into the outside world of the noise with the Power of the River of the I Am to gather my children to God.

You cannot open a locked and closed heart from without for the door must be unlocked from within. You cannot make sense to those who are blinded by the senseless and misguided ways of the noise. To truly know the Kingdom you must see through the folly of the noise and senseless to see and taste the truth. The truth remains locked behind the door of the heart and soul until the senseless noise is exposed.

The senseless ways of the noise attempt to take over and control the mind with its senseless teachings of what it calls rational thinking. Is it rational to say you love your neighbor and then do injustice to your neighbor?  Is it rational to say I am kind and then hate another who does not look or speak as you? Is it rational to say you love Jesus and you believe His teachings and then not seek Him out?

The noise gathers its slaves with its senseless rationality. I say to you, my child, that the only way to the truth and wisdom of God is to face the rational mind within you with your heart and soul opened where the senseless must flee and where you meet Jesus in whatever way He presents Himself to you. 

Your human ways invite the devil of rationality for it uses its own senselessness to make you feel self righteous. Self righteousness says “yes, I love my neighbor, but I don't have to love all of my neighbors.” My children use  senseless rationality to attempt to prove their self righteousness. 

Ponder these words, Janine, for they make no sense to those who walk with self righteousness. For those who seek to be in relationship with Jesus, their eyes shall open to the truth of love and only love that seeks to love all with no exceptions where the devil called rationality cannot abide.