The Noise Asks You to Chase your Possessions


Child, this is a new day and this is a new beginning for each day begins with the renewal of your commitment to me and to our God. This is a new day for you come to me emptied that I may fill  you.

I give you the gentle cleansing and renewal of the River of the I Am.  I give you my heart that is of the Light of my womb. I give you my joy for we are of the cloth of Jesus. 

Today rises up with you and this day rises up with your heart and soul opened to God. You gain the grace of the River of the I Am by your attendance to your own soul. You gain grace by your yes. Do not take lightly the ways of your yes for by your yes you give all to God.

Your dream of last night has come to show you the futility of the noise. The dream was in a time and place of your home that held no walls. The dream told you that your possessions were lost for others took your possessions.

Janine, my child, your home within the River of the I Am has no boundaries or walls to bind just as in the dream. The losing of possessions is the necessary ingredient to be of the River of the I Am where all boundaries and possessions cannot exist. Your fret within the dream was of the noise that asks you to hold onto possessions. Fret not the noise that asks you to chase your possessions. God is using your dream to move you deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where there shall be joy with no possessions rather than fret. Ponder the movement of your dream from the noise to the depths of the River of the I Am.