The Soul Opens When it Tells its Story

 Child, let go with the breath that takes you out of the noise and into this Tabernacle. My dear child, you are of my heart that loves with no conditions. You are my child whom I take delight in.  You are my child that I feed and nurture in the ways of the River of the I Am where the peace of my Son flows forth from.

You come to me empty that you may be filled. To be empty is to have no expectations or desires. In this emptiness you are not bound by the noise. In this emptiness you are not bound by your shaping and learning for within this holy space the old becomes replaced with the new. 

Within this Tabernacle you are freed from the wants and desires of the outside world that bind and make your path hard. You are renewed by this Tabernacle. You are fortified by the Living Waters of the River of the I Am that we may enter the world armed with God's power and love.

Janine, my child, we teach of the opened heart and soul even when these words are not said. By your countenance and your love you open a soul to its story where the soul is freed from its silence.  When the soul opens in the nakedness of its story God rises up and presents Himself in the special and unique way of the soul's design.

I make it simple for you.  When your soul opened it exploded in a consciousness that God was in your deepest part.  Your soul was opened to its beginnings where you were created by God. In that explosion you witnessed to your God and your God gave witness to you. In that explosion your body recognized its God.  Such a tiny part of you and yet it holds the connection to God. 

I give you this view to remind you that each child has a soul that is intricately connected to its God who presents Himself in a very special way when the soul is opened.  If the soul is not exposed in this world it shall be in the next.