What Expands You Brings Great Joy

 Child, by this Tabernacle you are graced. By this Tabernacle, God has given us the birthright of mother and child. You are mine forever and I come to feed you with the ways of my heart for I have the heart of my Son, Jesus.

You are of great joy on this new day for you are known and loved by all of the River of the I Am. You are of great joy for you taste the ways of our gentle and loving Savior, Jesus.

In your yesterday you witnessed to the ways of Jesus. In your yesterday you gave witness to the many many choices before you. You have expanded your heart and soul and mind and disengaged the noise. Without the clanging of the noise you see and taste and hear and smell and touch with more joy. Expansion within the River of the I Am is to take in all the more and more of God's will for you which is expansion of joy and love into Eternity and beyond.

Janine, my child, the many take in the less and less for they close what must be opened to know God. God works to open and not close.

The noise closes off the soul for the heart and soul cannot manage such noise.  We walk with Jesus and all of the River to open hearts and souls that expansion may enter and where God may be tasted.  Come and be of joy for what expands you brings great joy.