Come and Join the Song of Songs
Child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be known. Come and commune with all of the River. Our communion holds much grace for what we have is celebrated by all of the River.
What we have is not for you alone but for all. When we celebrate the River celebrates with us for by God's grace we become one with all within the Light.
Your voice is added to the song of songs. You do not lose who you are or what we have. Rather, you are grown and expanded with all who join in the song of songs.
The song of songs is more beautiful when you are in it for one joined is one not lost. When you are joined to the others you experience love all the more and more. The Song of Songs holds your note where it is part of all the other notes.
Come, be still and let our hearts join in the song of songs where each note sung gives praise to our Father, our God. Let us walk to gather others that their note may join in the praise of God.
You must come to see that you gain in the joining of the Song of Songs and you do not lose. Your learning has taught you that to join is to lose. To be part of another in the River does not lose you. When you join the Song of Songs your note is heard louder and clearer for you are joined and not separated. Let those with ears to hear, hear.