Expand your Senses Within the River of the I Am
Good morning, my child, come and be known. Come and be a part of this garden that flows within the River of the I Am. Come and be still that you may hear and taste your heavenly mother. I am graced to be your mother and mother to all.
There are those who say you cannot feel what is not there. There are those who say you cannot taste what is not in your mouth. There are those who say you cannot smell what is not before you.
Those who say there can be no feeling other than in the human ways miss the mark. Those who say there can be no feeling or sensing other than in the human body know not the ways of the mystical.
You have gained much in the ways of hearing, tasting and sensing within the River of the I Am.
Janine, my child, I say to you that you feel and taste and smell more deeply here within the River of the I Am where your senses are expanded beyond the outside world. You see more with your heart here within these depths than any place in the outside world.
To be of the River is to be of the mystical where you taste, see, smell and hear from deep within your depths that are beyond just your body. Come and know how deeply you are loved for here within the River the human body is expanded to take in the mystical.