"Missing the Mark"
Child, come. Be of my heart that flows with the grace of God within the River of the I Am. Come and commune with me in the presence of all of the River of the I Am.
God has given us Himself. God has given us His Son that we may know Eternity. God has given us Jesus who became man that we may know the ways of God. To know Jesus is to know God.
Many of my children fear God. Many of my children war against God for they know Him not. Many of my children place God outside themselves where it is easy to hate and fear Him.
To open your own soul is to know God for your soul holds God. He is within and wishes for a relationship with you. You are a prized gem to God. To be in relationship with God is to know Him in love and only love for this is who He is.
To place God outside yourself is to make yourself separated from Him. My Son has told you the Kingdom is within. It is within each soul. To place yourself outside of God is to keep Him from relationship with you. How sad it is to see the many of my children place God outside themselves for they "Miss the mark"
To "Miss the mark" is to sin for sin is the separation of yourself from the God within. Sin and evil will end when souls open themselves to the seed of God within.
Janine, I make it simple for you. If you open your soul to God there can be no more sin for there will be no more "Missing the mark." To be in relationship with God is to make null and void "missing the mark". How can there be sin against God when you are joined to Him in relationship?
Do not confuse saying no to God with sin for the two are not the same. No is of choice while sin is the separation from God where you "miss the mark".
To sin is to place God outside yourself where you need not be in relationship with Him. There is blindness that occurs when your soul remains closed and where sin rises up from. Ponder my words, Janine. Let those with ears to hear, hear.