Open Your Heart and Accept the Peace of Jesus
Child, you come to me with the sign of my Son. You come to me and place yourself before this Tabernacle that we may commune. Come and let go of yourself as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where your heart and hands join mine and we become as one.
Come and be of the peace of my heart that is of my Son who has given us His peace. All need be done is to say yes to His peace and the door will open. To open the door to the yes begins the journey to your own soul where the peace of Jesus abides.
You cannot wait upon the outside world alone to gain you this peace for the outside world offers a fleeting peace. The outside world alone offers a misguided peace for it offers a fleeting peace from without where war rages all around you. This new day places hope before you for to be of Jesus and opened to Him is to taste hope in all things and to taste His peace from deep within your own heart and soul where the River of the I Am flows.
You cannot wait upon the outside world to counter the noise and gain you peace for it is the noise within the outside world that takes away your peace.
I take you into the world on this new day that we may counter the noise that asks my children to believe in the noise rather than believe in my Son who has given all His peace. All need be done to experience His peace is to open the door to your heart and soul and accept His peace.