Perfection is of The Holy Spirit Within You
Child, I am pleased that you come to me on this new day at this Tabernacle that we may move into the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of the love of our Father and Creator, our God.
As we move deeper into the River, take note of the trust that is within you for you trust that I will fill you with my nurture through your hands and belly for I fill you deep within you that your hands may be my hands and your heart may be my heart.
Janine, I nor the River that houses God expect or demand perfection. Rather, I teach you that perfection exists in our God who has your permission to work though you. You cannot be of what you call perfection for you own not the ways of perfection. The ways of perfection are of God.
To give to God your whole being with your heart and soul each day here within the River of the I Am is to give to God your whole self that He may send His Holy Spirit to work through you.
The lesson this day is to give up the ghost of perfection. Seek not perfection for your own sake. Know that perfection flows through you in the form of the Holy Spirit but you are not the perfection. The creation must bow to its creator. The creation however, shows the beauty of its creator.
Ponder this lesson, this new day for perfection flows within you for you are a reflection of your Creator. You need not seek perfection for it is as chasing that which you cannot catch. Rather, give yourself over to the perfection of the Holy Spirit within you and know that God works His creations with His perfection.
We walk with the Holy Spirit within us to do God's work within the world. All our work is because of God's Holy Spirit within your yes. We take no credit for we walk in the humbleness of giving to God all that is God's. Let those with ears to hear, hear.