Place the Lifeblood of the Lamb on Your Doorstep
Child, come and be of my heart and know I am your mother who holds you, attends to you and feeds you with my nurture that is of our Father and Creator of all things. My dear child, I love you always and judge or abandon you never.
The River flows to end the self righteousness of judgment. The River of the I Am flows to bring peace to all of God's children. The River of the I Am flows that the New Earth may be established. The River began its flow towards the New Earth with the death and Resurrection of my Son. The River flows with the lifeblood of Jesus.
The River's lifeblood places its mark of Eternity on those who join the River of the I Am with their yes. It is as the scriptures speak of, my child. God told His people to place the Lamb's Blood on their doorposts to signify that they are of the one true God and to be saved from the evil outside their homes.
The River's Lifeblood shall save you and yours from the evil in the outside world. You are blessed by the Lifeblood of the Lamb, my Son. Your prayers for yours are also being heard for by God's grace the Lifeblood of the Lamb is upon them as well.
Ponder this lesson and know your yes has touched yours for you have placed the Lifeblood of the Lamb on your doorstep that you and yours may be known to God as His.