Silence Within the Noise
Child, you can come to me at this Tabernacle with no matter the time or day or space for I am here even within the noise. Let go in this noisy space and seek only my heart for it is within my heart that you hear me.
Take note of how your breath deepens as you turn to me within this noisy space. Take note of your hands that move without the noise for I take away the noise and move you deeper into the River of the I Am where noise is drowned out by peace, quiet and joy. Take note that the outside world bows down to the River of the I Am for the outside world cannot be here within the beautiful silence of this holy space.
Take note of how this inch and moment is like no other for it is of you and me where I nurture you and where the noise is transformed into the sweet music of the River of the I Am.
Take note of how, within this silence, the sounds of the noise may be witnessed to from within these depths without it overtaking you and without disrupting what we have. Take note of how deep we are in communion listening together to the noise that is bowing to the River for it cannot overtake the River.
Take note of how, even within this intense noise, we commune in a joy that is beyond words.
Janine you need never fret the noise even when it threatens to take you over for I shall carry you here deep within the River where the noise is made calm and where it must bow to the River. When the noise is too much, remember to call on me and with the power of the breath within the River the noise shall bow to its God. At this depth the noise sees the truth.