The Choices that Rise From Within
Child of mine, come and be of the peace within my heart. Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child.
The lesson this day is to take to heart your dream of last night where parts were asking to be heard that you may see all the more and more choices before you. Your world opens up to God when you allow your heart to open you to all choices both from within and without you. To be closed of choices within parts is to see narrow choices and a narrow vision of God.
Your dream of last night showed you the possible choices within yourself that you were not aware of. Your dream showed you the way of witnessing to all parts that at first glance may have seemed to be closed off to each other.
In your dream, in the one inch, you chose to be of silence within the noise where witnessing brought you to a deeper level into the River of the I Am for you were witnessing to the workings of your own heart and soul. In that silence you chose to witness to the sounds of the silence within the noise from the view of the River of the I Am. Your heart is asking that you find more time for this silence. Your dream is asking you to find more time for this silence to be with me and the beauty of witnessing to the noise from the view of the depths of the River of the I Am.
In the dream you witnessed to other parts of you asking to make choices as well. There was the part that wanted to remain clothed in a certain situation for it was not safe. Another part wanted to make naked the need for silence from the noise. Another part wanted to be taken out of the cold and into the warmth for there was constricture within this part.
Do not fret the dream. Rather, hear the dream for its guidance. There are parts that wish to be taken into account within your choices, There are more and more openings for you to choose for what was closed to you is being opened.
Let us ponder these choices in the silence of our communion this new day. Be still, my child, and when you are prepared we shall move into the world to gather my children into the River of the I Am.