The Expansion of Our Own Soul
Child, breathe in the Light that awaits you here within this Tabernacle. Breathe in your heavenly mother that longs to fill you for this is the way of my heart that loves beyond human ways. I never tire of you nor does our Father and Creator. I never tire of giving you the ways of my heart for you are my child.
I never tire of attending to you for you are a gift beyond measure. You are never measured for our Creator has given you Himself which is beyond measure. By this grace you are cherished. By this grace you are seen beyond the boundaries of the world you live in. By this grace you are forever.
In your yesterdays you moved beyond the boundaries of the noise within the outside world and into the silence within the noise. To be of this depth within the River is to trust that you can ignite my heart at any time and in any place for the choice to come to me is yours. You need not wait upon my coming to you. You need only become quiet within the noise to hear me and to hear the soft voice of Jesus. The choice is always yours, my child, in his life and in the next.
The mystical is always available. You must come to see this and taste this and trust this. Trust, my child, is the mystical knowing that you are held and loved and cherished beyond the noise that asks you to see yourself without the mystical. Within the mystical is the knowing that God, Jesus and I are always with you awaiting conversation. Conversation never judges, controls or makes demands. Rather, conversation within the mystical grows you from deep within your own soul where you and God converse in love and only love that is always available, with or without the noise.
Ponder this lesson for it is of importance to know your seed that is of God expands and expands when it converses with its God, its Creator.
Let us walk in relationship in the knowing that I am always with you. You are learning to trust me and my Son in the ways of the mystical that lives beyond the boundaries and noise of the outside world. We walk not to take away but to add, my child.