The Way of Wearing Sheep's clothing
Child, come and allow yourself to let go of all. Place your hands on this Tabernacle and know you are of the River of the I Am where you grow and expand with each new day. Know that I fill you with no matter the ways of the noise for I am your mother who awaits you always and leaves you never.
I witness to you as does my Son. I come to show you the ways of the sacred witness for to be witnessed to with no judgments or harm is to grow and expand that you may walk as the sacred witness as well.
The lesson this day is to be awake to the noise that asks you to wear sheep's clothing. Your dream came to show you the meaning of wearing sheep's clothing. To wear sheep's clothing it to take on that which belongs to someone else, namely the noise and not of your deepest self.
Wearing sheep's clothing is to clothe yourself with the noise rather than be naked of heart and soul. When you clothe yourself with the noise rather than the Holy Spirit you are not of God's work.
The dream came to warn you of the often evilness of those who wear the clothing of another rather than to be naked of heart and soul. In the dream you were being tempted to wear another's clothing and were made to taste it as goodness rather than to see it for what it was and that is sheep's clothing.
In the dream you were then warned that firstly the clothes were not yours to wear (for you are of the nakedness of heart that walks with me and Jesus and the Holy Spirit) and secondly that it is of folly to do so for in the end the world will know the clothing is not yours.
Be of vigilance and fortitude for you are being tempted to wear what is not yours. Your dream showed you the way of the noise that tries to tempt you to walk with the clothing of the noise. You must remain naked of heart where you take on no clothing that could close you to God's ways.