The Ways of My Yes
Child, come and place yourself before this Tabernacle that we may move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child.
Janine, I am your mother and ask only that you come to me to be filled with my nurture and love. Your yes to me is the yes to your mother who watches over you and intercedes for you in all things. You need not fret any and all noise for I watch over you as does the Light of my womb.
By my yes I am your mother for I said yes to be the mother to all. I said yes to be the mother to our Savior. My yes was given without the noise for it needed to be a yes from my very soul. I love God and I know Him and always have known Him without the noise for this is the way of the Immaculate conception.
The lesson this day is for you to ponder the ways of my yes that were free and clear from any temptations or noise. I was made the immaculate conception by my yes. I was given this grace to see clearly within the human body sans the noise. My yes was made free and clear as my no would have been.
You must come to see that my yes was the yes of the opened heart and soul for the yes had to be made without the bindings of the noise that seeks to destroy our God. The noise seeks to be above God. I was made free from the noise that my yes may be made without any bindings. I give you my heart that has no bindings.
I come to give my children the same, Janine, for my heart holds no bindings to separate or judge. What I do for you I come to do for all of my children.