To Be of Jesus
Child, I am here and I am pleased by your attendance to this Tabernacle that feeds your heart and soul that you may walk with me into the world to feed as you have been fed. Peace is the fruit of our communion for the promises of my Son flow through us within the River of the I Am.
On this new day, take in my love that walks with you in all things for we are one in the other as graced by the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. By my Son, we walk as one for it is He who is within us as promised by the Covenant of God. The peace of Jesus drives all we do for even in the noise and even in the pull of the temptations, peace is within us.
The lesson this day is to ponder the ways of being of Jesus. To be of Jesus is to know His peace. To be of Jesus is to taste His love for you and for all of the Earth. To be of Jesus is to have joy knowing that no matter the pain and hurt and evil in the world, joy and peace are at your very root for Jesus keeps calm your heart.
To be of Jesus is to end the war within that the war without may end. To be of Jesus is to seek relationship with Him within the silence of your heart for it is there that you meet Him. When you become still and silent you learn to be of the peace of my Son for within this silence war ends.
To be of Jesus is to take the time to know Him for to know Him is to know God for the two are one. To be of Jesus is to weep with Him for those who wish to do harm to others. To weep with Jesus is to know that even in this pain peace reigns for this is not the end, Janine, it is the beginning.
To know Jesus in relationship is to review with Him in each day your walk for to do so is to awaken your own soul. To awaken your own soul is to learn to end the war within for the two cannot be of the same space or time. To awaken your soul is to commune with Jesus in relationship and intimacy for nothing is hidden in the space and time you share with Jesus.