To Be of Wholeness
Janine, My child, today is a new day. Today is a day of love and movement towards wholeness. Today is a new day and as you come to me at this Tabernacle, know that we move into the depths of your own soul where the River of the I Am flows. Come and allow me to take you into my heart within the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune so deeply, Janine. I see and walk with you to make whole all parts of you that all parts may take in the Light.
I am your mother who loves you. I am your mother who knows you in each and every part. You cannot hide any part from me for I am your heavenly mother. You can hide from yourself, however. But know this, my child, to hide any parts from yourself is to keep hidden what must be made naked to be made whole.
Your heart walks with me in each new day. Your little one called Faith walks with us for she has opened herself to you that your soul may be opened where wholeness abides.
Those parts hidden from you for so long have been so fearful because your pain from your woundedness has called for them to be hidden. To open them in danger is not possible for God has given you and all of His children the innate mechanism to close and wall off parts from danger. As each part is allowed to open you expand in love and wholeness. In the safety of the sacred witness you grow in wholeness.
To be of wholeness is to allow each hidden part to open and taste the sunlight. To open at these depths grows you in wholeness. Take note of how much sunlight flows within and without you on this new day, Janine.
The sunlight I speak of is your own soul that takes in the Light of God that flows within and without. The sunlight shines all the brighter today, this new day, for you have opened a part that has been closed for these many years.
To be of Wholeness is to walk with me and Jesus and the Holy Spirit in each new day that as trust builds wholeness grows. Let us walk into the world as sacred witnesses that others may build trust and move into wholeness.