You Shall Grow Into Eternity
Child, come and allow me to open your heart to this Tabernacle. Come and open your body, heart and soul to me and to the Light that flows within us within the River of the I Am. Come and know the love that awaits you here for all souls of the yes flow with us making our joy that much deeper for love gains more love with each soul of the yes.
It matters not the ways of the yes for the yes is a yes. Questioning is a yes for it is in questioning the soul cries out for answers. The questions I speak of are the questions of the heart and soul that seek to know the truth and the way to open to God.
Janine, my child, you are of the River of the I Am where love grows you forever. You are of the River of the I Am where the truths are given you in the increments needed that you may be taken to the next depth where you expand all the much deeper. You shall expand into Eternity for your God shall never stop growing you.
You shall grow forever for God's love shall espand you forever. Love expands while hate and war make smaller the ways of love. You have grown much in these years of your yes. You have not wavered in your love and attendance to your soul. Yes, there have been paths that may have seemed to place barriers to your expansion. But know this, Janine, there will always be times when it feels that you are stalled. But with your yes, you must come to know that timing is of God and there are times it tastes slow while other times it tastes as the lighting.
Come and take in all that is here for you today and let the timing of God show you the way and the truth. Know that you shall into Eternity