Come and See Another's Heart as Jesus Does

Janine, my child, I am pleased that you come to this Tabernacle and attend to your heart and soul and body.  I feed you with the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am as destined by God.

I am with you in the outside world as destined by God. We walk with the Light of my womb as destined by God. I am your mother who loves with a motherly love that shall never end and shall judge never. I seek only to nurture and gain you the love of my Son whom you now have come to know in intimacy.

Intimacy is the gift of a nakedness that graces the all of you where you allow Jesus to walk with you in an awareness of all parts that all parts may come to know how much you are loved.

You are loved within this intimacy where you know and taste the ways of Jesus.

Jesus teaches you to love as he loves with no judgments or boundaries. I remind you of the walk each day where He speaks of your own shaping and learning that He may show you the way out of the misguidedness and into the Light.

You are being taught to see another's heart from the view of Jesus and not the view from the noise that seeks only to judge another with self righteous.indignities towards another. You are learning to  love beyond the daily boundaries of the noise.  We walk to give to others what you have received. 

Come and stay opened to the soft voice of Jesus for He speaks to you in each inch and moment. .In awakenness you hear and taste Hm.